Bridget is a talented developer who is pursuing a career change in order to spend more of her time solving problems and creating things that make life better for people. She is excited to keep deepening her knowledge, exploring new skills, and continuing to improve as a developer. With a background in non-profit work on several continents, she is looking forward to learning how to integrate social justice and accessibility into her work.
React: [Styled Components, React Router], Redux: [Redux Toolkit], Backend: [Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose], JavaScript, CSS, HTML // Coming Soon: Python, Typescript
Samlas is a web app where expats can find events where they can meet other expats. Users are able to register and log in. Once they are logged in, they are able to create, update, and view their user data and event preferences. They are also able to create and update events, and mark themselves as attending other events.
This is a fullstack project that has a registration/login page where the user can enter their username and password. Once they are logged in, they will recieve a "cheesy quote" and be able to log out! Through this project, my partner and I developed a backend for user profiles, and a backend to store the cheesy quotes that required authorization to view the content.
This project is an alternate-universe Twitter feed where all the tweets are happy thoughts! For this project, I learned how to post data to an API as well as get data from an API and how to incorporate the useEffect Hook. After about 8 weeks, I got to revisit this project to replace the original API with one that I had built. Now the project uses my own API instead of a shared API.
The MongoDB API project utilized MongoDB to store the data for the API. I used Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB Atlas, and Google Cloud to create and deploy a RESTful API for Nintendo games data from 1996-2021. I also created a simple frontend using React to display the API documentation and a short example that uses the API.
The Express API project was my first backend project. I used Express.js and Google Cloud to create and deploy a RESTful API using my own reading data from Story Graph. I also created a simple frontend using React to display the API documentation and a short example that uses the API.
This was a pair-project where we focused on learning how to use thunks to manage API calls in Redux. On the user side, they are able to go on a text-based labyrinth adventure and see their progress on the game map!
This To Dos web app uses Redux to manage the addition, completion, and deletion of tasks - among other features. I wrote my own reducers using Redux-Toolkit. I also included intentional empty-state designs for both the incomplete and completed task sections.
The main goal for this project was to code a design that had been created and handed over by one of the design boot camp students. It was an excellent project to practice more real-world skills. I was also able to start learning and using Styled Components.
For this project, I worked with a group to complete the project, then worked a bit more on my own version to add some additional features. I collaborated with the team to learn and implement new hooks and functions that would enable us to create and navigate to multiple pages.
Although this project started out as a survey, it ended up as a Buzzfeed-inspired quiz. Using React components and useState, the user can answer questions and find out "Which dish are you?"
This Spotify-inspired page shows singles releases, album releases, as well as a side bar showing popular Spotify playlists. This was my first project using React, components, and JSX.
JavaScript ES6
Google Cloud Platform
Project Management
Partnership Development
Database Management
Material UI
React Native